‘A home grown business often springs from a fertile idea which one day begins its evolution and then just keeps growing’
History of Wooldoza
My family has grown wool in Australia for five generations and the distinctive qualities of wool have always been at the forefront of my involvement.
The warmth and durability of wool is always a major influence in the development of my products with a sincere belief that wool can truly benefit the consumer.
In the past wool was seen as an elite fibre and was traded as such. My view is that wool should be promoted as a unique fibre, not an elite fibre. Many wool products in the market place are expensive due to production cost. My policy is to produce articles in Australia that are affordable.
As a result of my passion for wool and design, I commenced my business ‘WoolDoza’ in 1995.
The design and development of the WoolDoza range proceeded through various stages to the final products that you see today. During this time fabric selection and design was perfected to my satisfaction before finally taking the WoolDoza products to the marketplace. Initially I occupied a single room of the family home manufacturing WoolDoza and keeping all aspects of the production in my own hands. Ultimately the unimaginable happened – the business grew. Every room of the family home displayed evidence of an overgrown cottage industry.
Today I have a purpose built workroom where all aspects of the business are undertaken including research, design, manufacture and sales.
This experience has proved invaluable and my faith in the product has been suitably rewarded with customer feed back, encouragement and the motivation to continually move forward.
We continue to be innovative and creative, developing and exploring markets which I feel WoolDoza has the capacity to serve.
Sharon Roxburgh